Making India a Better Place for Women

Making India a Better Place for Women

If we go by what we read in the newspapers and what experiences female foreign tourists have, India is not a country where women can move without fear of being stared at, molested or discriminated against.This image of India must be changed to make it a carefree and enjoyable place for women.

This inculcation of respect for the female gender has already started in schools, where it has been included in the curricula of Social Sciences in every State Education Board and the Central Boards like CBSE and ICSE. Adults who have not gone through such education or training must attend awareness sessions conducted by suitable NGOs authorised by the government. School dropouts, particularly in rural areas, must also be roped in to attend such sessions. These awareness sessions must be repeated periodically to ensure that all residents are covered. Such an elaborate exercise will of course take time, maybe even a few years, but gradually India will be transformed into a better place for women to live, move around and generally enjoy life without any fears.
