Lack of Civic sense Needs Correction

Lack of Civic sense Needs Correction

I was shocked to observe on my way back from my school that a motorist threw large plastic bag full of food leftovers on the road before speeding away. This demonstrates that civic sense does not come naturally,it has to be inculcated in children both at school and at home.

All parents must fulfil their filial duties by providing proper refuse bins at various locations in the home. Then they must train their children to use these bins at all times,punishing them by denying some 'goodies' when the children do not follow the rule. Parents must also set an example by following this principle scrupulously, because children observe their parents behaviour very closely and then copy this behaviour themselves.

Similar provisions and training by teachers must be carried out in schools, with suitable punishment for defaulters. These double measures will definitely improve the civic sense of children.
