The value of friends

The value of friends

History is full of examples of kings who had the company of great persons who were their friend,philosopher, guide, administrator,and whose assistance helped them rule the nations. Friends play a  crucial role in everybody's life. They are the ones with whom  one can be one's real self and disclose everything without any fear. Sorrows would not ease and happiness would not seem right if not shared with friends. Friends help us in distress and in decision-making; sometimes their simple advice can solve really big issues. Friendship is a relationship which is free from all kinds of bondages of formality. Also, a friend need not necessarily be our classmate or of our own age-group. One could be friends with anyone, irrespective of their age, colour, religion, caste or even nationality. But in this era of internet and facebook, one should be cautious while making and trusting friends.
