Youth of india

Youth  of India and Social Services 
(150 words)

Youth is the future of a nation and statistics say that India have a very large number of youthful people as compared to that of other nations. Youth possess energy and the urge to bring a chance and put things right. In the recent history of India,we have seen that the contribution of the youth in various spheres has been magnificent.

They can still do a lot by educating the illiterates, by spreading awareness on various issues, improving and beautifying the environment etc. Their commitment and honest work can give new heights to the nation's image in the world.

Youth is the hope of the nation. So the youth should come forward and shoulder the responsibility of nation building instead of merely fulfilling their selfish needs. Their innovative thoughts can prove wondrous both to them as well as to the nation. This strength of the nation just needs to be realised and awakened for the betterment of all.

Youth of India and social service
(300 words)

Our youth is the future of nation and statistics say that India have a very large number of youthful people as compared to that of other nations. Youth possess energy  and the urge to bring a change and put things right. In the future of India, we will see that the contribution of the youth in sphere will be magnificent. They can lead our country to a developed nation a super power.

But the biggest problem the stone on the path of the future of  glorious India is that a huge part of our youth is taking wrong way. They are wasting their skills. They are going towards drugs, are not aware of facilities provided to them. The need is to guide them to make aware about various chances provided by government. Government also needed to efficiently utilize the human resource available in our country. Moreover we need to guide our youth on the right way and should take measures to stop the spreading evil of drugs and tobacco. Though a lot of youth has deviated from their path but if our government and elders try a bit more harder they still can do a lot by improving and beutifying the environment, by educating the poor illiterates, by spreading awareness on various issues, by their inovative, creative and new ideas they can bring us to new ideas they can bring us to  new hights as now they better understand the world then us.

Youth is the hope of the nation. Their commitment and honest work can give new heights to the nation's image in the world. So the youth should come forward and shoulder the responsibility of nation building instead of merely fulfilling their selfish needs. Their innovative thoughts can prove wondrous both to them as well as to the nation. This strength of the nation just needs to be realised and awakened for the betterment of all.

Youth is future of India
(600 words)

Youth of a nation decide it's future and strength. State and knowledge of youth decides the future of their country. Youth possess energy and according to their urge they can bring change in their country. As in china the generation in its 50s is one that has lifted the country from poverty to middle-income state. This shows that youth of a country working in right direction can lead to huge transformation of economic status of a country.

Moreover statistics say that India have a large number of youthful people as compared to that of other nations. If one have ever been to India he have been startled by how young the country looks and will clearly know that India is a very young country. Half of its population is under the age of 25. Two-thirds are less than 35. According to a survey India is likely to have the world's largest workforce by 2027, with a billion people aged between 15 and 64. It seems that like china now a days India possess large number of youthful people and can grow very fast. But the problem is in the area where India has its most of the youth because it is backward area for e.g. Bihar,Uttar Pardesh etc. These precisely the parts of India that are the most deprived of infrastructure, short of social services and disconnected from the global economy. And they have worse education system than the rest of India. So by looking at all these point its seems nearly impossible for India to utilize its youth in efficient manner so that it could develop faster but it seems more easier to despair at the scale of the problem.

So the biggest question is that how the government of India will manage to bring change in country using the youth at backward area, from some of the Darkest and least connected places in the world? How can they do it without education and without skills? The government need to do skill development at such backward parts of India to utilize its huge workforce in right manner otherwise its easy to believe that nothing will work this huge and vast, with most of male workforce will be unable to find anything productive do with their lives and provide a better future to India.

But still their is a hope if government use some of the capital of developed(metropolitan) areas and use it to develop the backward area or government can also increase taxes foreign companies to increase the amount of capital. Moreover government can promote industrialization in its backward areas and make foreign companies to invest in those areas and can also launch more policies like Skill India. Also government can make agriculture system more developed in backward areas and can turn them into food hub. As agriculture need more man power and illiterate people can also earn from it.we and government should also spread awareness in those areas so that illiterate people can get to know better about facilities available to them. In this way our youth will be able to do their contribution for the development of their country.
Youth is the hope of the nation. Their commitment and honest work can give new heights to the nation's image in the world. So the youth should come forward and shoulder the responsibility of nation building instead of merely fulfilling their selfish needs. Their innovative thoughts can prove wondrous both to them as well as the nation. This strength of the nation just needs to be realised and awakened for the betterment of all.
