How to Root out Corruption from our Country

How to Root out Corruption from our County

Our County was once known as golden bird.Now it has been gobbled up by a leach named corruption.Every citizen has contributed to it in some way or the other, because of which it has taken such an ugly face today.

To stop it right away,first and foremost we must check its development. Both giving and talking of bribery should be stopped by all means in all spheres. People indulging in illegal activities should be punished strictly. Those prosecuted for crimes should be tried in fast track courts. Citizens should make more use of the right to information Act. People should understand that by tackling corruption, the nation can diminish other problems like poverty, rising prices etc. Simultaneously,honest officials should be supported and encouraged so that they inculcate their habits in other too.

There should be a set framework for the smooth working of the administration and the legal system. Change has to come from each one of us.
