Article on Pollution

Article on pollution

Any impurity or imbalance in natural processes that results in producing harmful and adverse changes is called pollution. It is process that contaminates the natural resources for e.g. land, water, air and harms the natural habitats of living animals. Pollution can be of many types : water, air, soil, noise, radioactive, thermal and light. Everyone, each one of us is effected by this some how daily. Inhaling of this polluted air is as harmful as smoking. It is not only harmful to us but also to many animals and put them to line of extinction already.

Pollution and its causes

These dangerous toxics in environment are released by the industries that burn fossil fuels, Industries that dump harmful toxics to water bodies, farmers using pesticides, loud speakers, honking, over usage of artificial lights and testing of nuclear bombs and missiles. It is a sour truth that in how small time we have contaminated a very large part of environment. Other than human activities some periodic natural activities also results in the increment of toxics in environment for e.g. volcanic eruption, dust wildfires etc.


Everyone one of us own some certain responsibility to contribute our part to stop pollution for e.g. not throwing garbage all around, grow trees, using public transport using dustbins etc. We must rely on three R (recycle,reduce,reuse) for pollution control.
     Pollution can't be controlled until we don't understand our responsibility towards our mother nature by all means.
