Importance of Morning Assembly

Importance of Morning Assembly

For most of the students, the Morning Assembly is a very important part of the school day. First of all, it instils discipline in all students because they must all arrive in time to the school to ensure that they do not miss the Assembly. Very often, important information is passed to all attending (students and teachers) like special visitors to the school, examination related information, details about celebration of important days (For instance Teachers Day) and events (for instance cultural events) and so on.

In some schools, this Assembly may be addressed by some students (on some days) with a Thought for the Day or describing the implications of some recent national events. Thus the Morning Assembly can lead to better awareness of the students about what is happening in the country and its effect on them It will also develop a sense of unity among the students, so that they will develop into better citizen and serve the country as patriotic people.
