Global Warming and Climate Change

Global Warming and Climate Change

Experts in climatology and becoming extremely concerned about the changes in the world's climate which are taking place recently. The changes currently being monitored are said to be the result of human activity, instead of being due to any natural causes.

The major problem is that the planet appears to be warming up. According to experts, this warming process, known as 'global warming, is occurring at a rate unprecedented in the last 10000 years. The implications for the planet are very serious. Rising global temperatures could lead to such ecological disasters as extremely high increases in the incidence of floods and droughts. These in turn could have a harmful effect on agriculture.

It is thought that this unusual warming of earth has been caused by so called 'greenhouse gases ', such as carbon dioxide, being emitted into the atmosphere by automobile engines and modern industrial processes. Such gases not only contribute to pollution of the atmosphere, but also create a greenhouse effect, by which the heat of the sun is trapped on the earth. This leads to warming up of the planet, causing the climatic changes witnessed in recent years.
