Promoting Tourism in the counrty

Promoting Tourism in the counrty

Tourism sector is one thing which,if harnessed properly, can prove wondrous for the whole economy of a natio. But sadly,in spite of a very rich geographical and cultural diversity India has not been able tap its full potential for tourism.

 Government has a major role to play in tackling the problem. It needs to endorse and beautify these places more. The new fad of eco-tourism and adventure sports should be dealt with on the utmost priority. Due to advances in science and madicine,India has seen a rush in medical tourism,which can be further improved.

At the places of tourist attraction,foreigners should be greeted courteously and treated well. Harassment should be checked by all means and along with this,decent guides having good English communication skills should be made available.NGOs and private agencies too can take part in promoting tourism. Tourists should have an out-of-the-box experience so that they come back again.
